Musical Phrase Deviations

Musical Phrase Deviations

At we strongly recommend the reading of the last music analysis article by WKMT BLOG

In spite of the fact that analysing themes can be successfully done through knowing basic theme structure, it is fundamental to understand the riddles of musical deviations. The latter will help us labelling phrases that are elongated using different compositional resources.

The extension is one of the most common phrase deviations. It is commonly used to add an extra component to the theme or phrase. It is different to an interpolation due to the fact that it doesn’t necessarily divide two functions. The extension is commonly used in the continuation function for which expansion is inapplicable.

WKMT Blog has been enhanced with a new contribution to our Music REsources Page. The Summary of Chapter 5 Classical Forms by W. Caplin helps to structure the understanding of phrase deviations, cadential deviations and framing functions.