This course was developed for Piano Beginners who are starting from scratch. We will guide you through the first concepts to build a strong foundation to reach Grade 1 between 3 and 6 months.
We designed this Syllabus after years of experience teaching new learners who are eager to start this amazing challenge. This course contains lessons, solo pieces, duets, videos and quizzes to check your progress.
Grasp the essentials needed to begin playing Piano or keyboard. You’ll learn an easy approach to get you playing and reading music quicker, through exploring the instrument, performance technique, and basic music theory.
We will use original material and open source taken from imslp.org, an open-source library for the practical exercises and theory taken from musictheory.net, also a free website.
Why Choose a Beginner’s Piano Course?
- Structured Learning Path: A well-designed beginner’s piano course offers a structured approach, breaking down complex concepts into manageable steps. This ensures a smooth learning curve, building confidence with each lesson.
- Foundation Building: These courses focus on fundamental skills such as reading sheet music, understanding musical notation, and developing proper hand techniques. Establishing a strong foundation is crucial for future musical growth.
- Interactive Learning: Modern piano courses often incorporate interactive elements like video tutorials, practice exercises, and feedback systems. These tools make learning engaging and provide immediate insights into areas needing improvement.
Transformational Benefits:
- Boosted Cognitive Skills: Learning to play the piano enhances cognitive abilities, including memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. It stimulates brain development, which is particularly beneficial for young learners.
- Enhanced Creativity: As students progress, they gain the confidence to experiment with melodies and compose their own pieces. This fosters creativity and self-expression, allowing students to connect with their artistic side.
- Increased Discipline and Patience: Regular practice instils a sense of discipline and patience. Mastering the piano requires dedication and persistence, valuable traits that extend beyond music into everyday life.
- Emotional Well-being: Playing the piano is a great stress reliever. It provides an emotional outlet, helping students manage stress and anxiety. The joy of creating music can significantly enhance overall well-being.
Instrumental skills to be developed in this Unit
- Lateral awareness
- Relaxation
- Breathing (phrasing)
- Posture: distance to the keyboard, height and weight
- Hand positioning
- Fingering
Minimum skills to be developed in this Unit
- Fingering
- Touch sensitivity.
- Hand repositioning
- Understanding of the weight required on the keyboard
- Understanding and application of Finger Movement and Forearm Movement
Basic reading skills to develop in this Unit
- Keyboard layout awareness
- Awareness of high and low pitches
- Note names
- Imitation of the teacher’s performance
- Location of middle C
- Treble and bass clef
- Note motion “Contrapuntal Motion”: Similar, Contrary and Oblique
- Time signatures 2/4, ¾ and 4/4
- Rests
- Accompaniments
- Major scale technique: C Major
Objectives of the first three Units
- To develop a good understanding of main musical concepts through performing selected piano pieces
- To develop the habit of practising daily
- To develop good piano posture following the basics of relaxation and breathing management
- To develop a solid piano technique which can provide the grounds for artistic development.
- To start developing a deep understanding of musical language and musical expression through piano performance
- To start understanding how analytic-memory works
- To develop the skill of performing with an audience
- To develop the skill of performing da capo a fine
- To develop a collection of skills necessary to face the challenges proposed by relevant musical scores
- To start understanding how to use the piano pedals correctly
- To acquire the technical awareness necessary to perform the pieces of each level at the right speed
- 6 Sections
- 23 Lessons
- 24 Weeks
- INTRODUCTORY LESSONIn this first lesson we will have our first approach to Musical Notation2
- MODULE A: FUNDAMENTALS OF PIANO TECHNIQUEIn this section you will learn how to approach the foundation of the Piano technique4
- MODULE B: FUNDAMENTALS OF MUSICAL NOTATIONIn this section you will learn the tools to be able to recognise the notes on the music sheet16
- 3.16 – The Staff and the clefs (Review)15 Minutes
- 3.27 – Note values: Semibreve (whole note) – Minim (half note) – Crotchet (quarter note)30 Minutes
- 3.38 – Note Durations Quiz15 Minutes5 Questions
- 3.49 – Middle C. Location, notation and technique30 Minutes
- 3.510 – C and D notes – Treble and Bass Clef30 Minutes
- 3.611 – C, D and E notes – Treble and Bass clef30 Minutes
- 3.712 – C-D-E-F notes – Treble and Bass Clef60 Minutes
- 3.813 – C-D-E-F-G notes -Treble and Bass Clef – FIRST SONG!30 Minutes
- 3.914 – C position – Treble and Bass clef played simultaneously30 Minutes
- 3.1014b – Similar, Contrary and Oblique Motions30 Minutes
- 3.1114c – Contrapuntal motions Quiz15 Minutes4 Questions
- 3.1215 – Rest duration – Semibreve, Minim and Crotchet60 Minutes
- 3.1316 – High C position30 Minutes
- 3.1417 – Time Signatures – Simple Time: 2/4; 3/4; 4/430 Minutes
- 3.1517b – Time signatures Quiz10 Minutes5 Questions
- 3.1618 – Duple and Triple time – Exercises30 Minutes
- MODULE C: G POSITION - Ledger Lines2
- MODULE D: C Major Scale1
- Milestone2